Prendiamoci cura della Terra

The speakers of the spring conversations of “Seeing with new eyes” advise ….

Above are the covers of the recommended books:: Sei pezzi facili and Sei pezzi meno facili by Richard P. Feynman; L’ordine del tempo by Carlo Rovelli, all published by Adephi

Elisabetta Pace gave her reading advice during the conversation held live by the Cavour bookshop in Frascati on March 26, 2021. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on:

Elisabetta Pace is a physicist, she works at the Frascati National Laboratories of the Italian Institute of Nuclear Physics. He has collaborated with CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) of Geneva, with the Universities of Padua and Tor Vergata, with the IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) of Beijing, with the University of North Texas, with the SPARC project (free electron laser), with the project that created the synchrotron light lines in Frascati. Today she mainly studies the biophotons emitted by living material.

Grande mondo, piccolo pianeta by Johan Rockstrom and Mattias Klum, Ed. Ambiente, 2015 | La resilienza del bosco by Giorgio Vacchiano, Ed. Mondadori, 2019 | Natura Spa. La terra al posto del Pil by Gianfranco Bologna, Ed. Bruno Mondadori, 2013 | L’economia della ciambella di Kate Rawort, Ed. Ambiente, 2017 | Sostenibilità in pillole. Per imparare a vivere su un solo pianeta by Gianfranco Bologna, Ed. Ambiente, 2013 | L’albero intricato di David Quammen, Ed Adelphi, 2020 |Prosperità senza crescita. I fondamenti dell’economia di domani by Tim Jackson, Italian edition by G. Bologna, Ed. Ambiente, 2017

Gianfranco Bologna commented on his reading tips while chatting with the “Caffè Tomo” bookstores and “Palazzo delle Esposizioni” Bookstore in Rome during the live broadcast on April 9th, 2021. You can find the recording of the very interesting conversation on:

Gianfranco Bologna He is Honorary President of the WWF Scientific Community and General Secretary of the “Aurelio Peccei” Foundation, which represents the Club di Roma in Italy. He carries out dissemination, teaching, planning and training activities in various universities on the themes of nature conservation and sustainability. He has planned and managed the WWF One Planet School. He has written books and encyclopedias on nature and sustainability and has edited over 100 Italian editions of the publications of some of the most authoritative international experts on global sustainability.

La migrazione degli uccelli by Peter Berthold, Ed. Bollati Boringhieri, 2015 | Migrations. Gli incredibili viaggi degli animali by Mike Unwin, illustrations by Jenni Desmond, Editorial Science, 2019 | Viaggiatori straordinari. Storie di animali e di migrazioni by Fabrizio Bulgarini, Fulvio Fraticelli, Alessandro Montemaggiori, Orme Editori, 2015

N. Emilio Baldaccini commented on his reading tips by chatting with Tiziana Marranci, owner of the Messaggerie Sarde bookshop in Sassari, during the live broadcast on April 16, 2021. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on:

Author: N. Emilio Baldaccini. Former Professor of Ethology and Conservation of Zoocenotic resources at University of Pisa. Author of over 300 scientific papers on national and international journals. He is active in the field of scientific education, and co-author of academic textbooks of Ethology, General and Systematic Zoology, Comparative Anatomy.

Semi. Viaggio all’origine del mondo vegetale by Thor Hanson, Ed. Il Saggiatore, 2017 | Per un pugno di ghiande. Le specie invasive che assaltano la terra by Papik Genovesi and Sandro Natalini, Ed. Scienza, 2018 | L’ incredibile viaggio delle piante di Stefano Mancuso, images by G. Fischer, Ed. Laterza, 2018

Lina Podda gave her reading advice by chatting with Giovanni from the Miele Amaro bookshop in Cagliari during the live broadcast on April 23, 2021. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on our Facebook page.

Lina Podda She is a research fellow at the CCB – Centro Conservazione Biodiversità (Biodiversity Conservation Center) of the Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente (Department of Life and Environmental Sciences) of the University of Cagliari; she is involved in the study of invasive alien plants and in particular of the control and eradication strategies in natural habitats. As a founding member of the Diomedea Cooperative, she collaborates with the Area Marina Protetta (Marine Protected Area) of Capo Carbonara in the management of the educational services of the CEAS.

Guida pratica alle piante officinali. Osservare, riconoscere e utilizzare le più diffuse piante medicinali italiane ed europee (Practical guide to medicinal plants. Observe, recognize and use the most widespread Italian and European medicinal plants) by Gilberto Bulgarelli e Sergio Flamigni, Ed. Hoepli, 2011 | Come fare… Cure e rimedi vegetali (How to do it … Herbal treatments and remedies) by Mario Mariotti, Laura Cornara and Elena Mora, Ed. Sistemi Editoriali, 2018. | Le piante nella tradizione popolare della Sardegna (Plants in the popular tradition of Sardinia) by Aldo Domenico Atzei, Ed. Carlo Delfino, 2003.

Marianna Usai commented on her reading tips while chatting with Tiziana Marranci of the Messaggerie sarde bookshop in Sassari during the live broadcast of 30 April 2021. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on our Facebook page.

Marianna Usai Biologist, professor of Pharmaceutical Botany at the University of Sassari. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in international journals and interventions at International Congresses. Her field of research is the study of medicinal plants growing in the Mediterranean area and their active ingredients, with particular reference to the characterization and biological activity of their essential oils.

Carta preziosa. Il design del gioiello di carta (Precious paper. The design of the paper jewel) by Bianca Cappello, published by Skyra, 2017 | Un mondo di carta. Arte e design (A world of paper. Art and design) edited by Angela Nocentini and Edoardo Malagigi, published by Skyra, 2011 | Il nuovo disegnare con la parte destra del cervello – The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards, published by Longanesi, 2009

Angela Nocentini discussed her reading tips with Ennio Bazzoni of the Nardini bookstore in Florence during the live broadcast on May 7, 2021. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on our Facebook page.

Angela Nocentini is a professor of Artistic Anatomy and Drawing for painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence. She is the author of numerous works of art, performances, installations, and installations; she loves to use waste materials. She has held educational workshops in Beijing, Belgrade, Lecce, Florence, Bucharest and consequently produces site-specific events

Figure. Come funzionano le immagini dal Rinascimento a Instagram (Figures. How do images from the Renaissance to Instagram) by Riccardo Falcinelli, publlished by Einaudi, 2020 | Come i grafici mento (How graphic designers lie. Better understand the visual information) by Alberto Cairo, published by Cortina Raffaello, 2020 | Vedere il vero e il falso (Seeing the true and the false) by Luigi Zoja, published by Einaudi, 2018

Marco Capovilla presented these books with the manager of the Hoepli bookshop in Milan, from whose premises the conversation was broadcast during the live broadcast on May 14, 2021. You will find the recording of this very interesting conversation on our You Tube channel.

Marco Capovilla was a researcher in the field of biophysics of the visual system in Pisa (CNR and the Scuola Normale) and in Berkeley (University of California), before becoming a journalist. As a photojournalist, he has worked for the main Italian and international periodicals, publishing reports on topics related to the environment, geography, scientific research, historical and artistic heritage. As a journalist, he writes on issues concerning the use of images in the media. He teaches Photojournalism in Milan (IULM University and Polytechnic), in Trieste at SISSA.

Viaggio di un naturalista intorno al mondo – The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin, published by Einaudi, 2017 | Pianeta Oceano (Ocean Planet) by Mariasole Bianco, published by Rizzoli, 2020 | Non siamo eroi (We are not heroes) by Chiara Segantin, Fabbri Editori, 2021 | Alla ricerca di Atlantide. Viaggio nell’architettura per ragazzi sognatori (In search of Atlantis. Journey into architecture for young dreamers) by Carlo and Renzo Piano, illustrator Tommaso Vidus Rosin, published by Feltrinelli, 2021 | Manuale di sopravvivenza energetica (Energy survival manual) by Andrea Mameli, illustrator Fabrizio Piredda, published by Science express, 2011 | La civiltà del riuso (The civilization of reuse) by Guido Viale, published by Laterza, 2010

Anna Lacci and Maria Beatrice Lupi commented on their reading tips with Tiziana Marranci from the Messaggerie sarde bookshop in Sassari. You can find the recording of this very interesting conversation on our Facebook page.

Anna Lacci is a scientific popularizer and expert in environmental education and sustainability and in local territory learning/teaching. She is the author of documentaries and naturalistic books,, of notebooks and interdisciplinary teaching aids, and of multimedia information materials.

M. Beatrice Lupi is a naturalist, expert in training, planning for sustainable development, participatory methodologies, and European planning.

La grande storia del tempo. Un nuovo viaggio “dal Big Bang ai buchi neri” – The great history of time. A new journey “from the Big Bang to the black holes” by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow, published by. BUR Rizzoli, 2015 | Vi racconto l’astronomia (I’ll tell you about the astronomy) by Margherita Hack, published by Laterza, 2007 | L’ ultimo orizzonte. Cosa sappiamo dell’universo (The last horizon. What we know about the universe) by Amedeo Balbi, published by UTET, 2019

The reading tips of the Montelanico Astronomical Observatory complete our small bibliography. We asked Giancarlo Neccia, who already publishes on this site, to help us choose three books that could help us to know the sky, an essential component of life on Earth. We thank him for his invaluable help.

Giancarlo Neccia is an amateur astronomer and astrophotographer of the “La via delle Stelle” association of which he is vice president. He is the technical manager of the “La via delle stelle” observatory in Montelanico (Rome) and of the “Maurizio Cassandra” observatory in Carpineto Romano (Rome) equipped with a 400 mm Marcon telescope.

Translation by Maria Antonietta Sessa