EARTH GARDENERS and the Messaggerie Sarde bookshop in Sassari organized, with the patronage of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland – Finnish Embassy in Rome and the Municipality of Sassari, the presentation of the volumes “La coda delle volpi. Animals, men and landscapes of the Great North “by Fabrizio Carbone (Orme Editori) and” Kuusamon Taika “, paintings by Fabrizio Carbone and the group” Ars et Natura “; this last volume was printed with the contribution of the Finnish government on the occasion of the Centenary of the Independence of Finland.
An exhibition of photos by Patrizia Chiozza on the boreal nature and the preparation of publications by the Iperborea publishing house, specializing in Finnish fiction, created the context of cultural exchange in the bookstore.
The LIPU (Italian Bird Protection League), the Zoetically Association and AFNI-Sardinia (Italian Naturalist Photographers Association) joined the events.
The events that intertwined, and which had the presentation of the two publications as their central moment, were “bridges” between the culture of the blue Mediterranean and that of white Finland.

Fabrizio and Patrizia, eyes of two Mediterranean people who look at the north of the world with admiration and amazement, through their art become intermediaries between these apparently distant cultural landscapes, but functionally complementary in the design of the Planet.
The exhibition, made up of 14 panels, was set up from 10 June to 1 July in the library; the meeting with the authors was held on Thursday 22 June 2017 at 5.30 pm in the conference room of the Sardinian Messaggerie themselves.
The greeting of Tiziana Marranci, owner of the Sardinian Messaggerie and a solicitous guest, kicked off the meeting with the authors. Anna Lacci, President of EARTH GARDENERS, led the meeting.

Francesco Guillot (LIPU) and Irene Testoni (Zoeticamente) interviewed the award-winning photographer Patrizia Chiozza, while Fabrizio Carbone was interviewed by the journalist Francesca Arca. The books The tail of the foxes and Kuusamon Taika were the starting point for the conversation that the authors had with their interviewers and with the audience.
A Finnish aperitif made with recipes and drinks from the great North closed the encounter between two very different but now less distant realities.