On Wednesday 22 September, as planned, we kicked off the Operation Nun Seal project. The event was announced by nine online and two print publications and the next day reported by ten online newspapers, two local televisions and the national ANSA.
The project is very complex and takes place in two phases (see article “Operation monk seal”):
the first concerns the creation of educational aids designed and created ad hoc for age groups and interests; the second involves the creation of some seminars, two ebooks, and two Collective Works of Art (read the article).
A project so full of events, which also includes the production of materials dedicated to schools and citizens, even if it is based exclusively on voluntary work, it still needs funding for the expenses that must be incurred.
We have thus activated, on the crowdfunding platform Productions from the bottom, a fundraising campaign that allows us to reach the objectives. Per completare Operazione Foca monaca sono indispensabili 7.600 euro, che saranno così utilizzati:
Participating in fundraising, with even a modest contribution, has an intrinsic value, which goes beyond the financial point of view and testifies to the sensitivity of the donor towards the environment.
A series of “rewards” will remember this gesture of love towards a species that we hope to be able to welcome in complete safety when you want to visit us.
Chi vorrà donare può usare il link.
We are firmly convinced that from those who read us we will be able to have great help in achieving the objectives of OPERAZIONE FOCA MONACA ….. right?
Author: Anna Lacci is a scientific popularizer and expert in environmental education and sustainability and in territory teaching. She is the author of documentaries and naturalistic books, notebooks and interdisciplinary teaching aids and multimedia information materials.
Translation by Maria Antonietta Sessa