Prendiamoci cura della Terra

Evolutionism, without a doubt!

Evolutionism or creationism? The two themes have been at the center of public debate for years, but they are certainly irreconcilable and cannot be put on the same level: creationism is a philosophical and religious vision, while evolutionism is a scientific theory based on data and in continuous evolution.

Supported by the most recent research, Telmo Pievani introduces us to Darwin’s theory of evolution with the usual grace and language that is stimulating even for beginners, while offering an explanation of the origins of life on earth and its immense biodiversity.

The theory of evolution is a pillar that 150 years from its formulation has been enriched by a large amount of empirical evidence that increases its scientific validity, consolidated in recent decades by the many discoveries of genetics, comparative anatomy, and molecular chemistry.

The author leads the reader into the heart of the theory by recounting its fundamental points. The causes of evolution derive from three concomitant threads: the variation of individuals considered as a natural phenomenon; natural selection, which is the mechanism that in every ecological context leads to favoring the success of some species rather than others, thus amplifying biodiversity; the speciation that derives from the ability of living beings to live in different environments, developing independent characteristics. Really a scientific revolution!

The author then reviews the mechanisms that expand the fundamental concepts of the theory of evolution, accompanying the reader until the appearance of Homo sapiens who makes his way and manages to emerge in the tangled forest of the other hominids.

Autore: Telmo Pievani | Editore: Il Mulino
Anno edizione: 2017| Pagine: 133, Brossura | EAN:9788815270795

This month we want to recommend Telmo Pievani’s “La teoria dell’evoluzione – Attualità di una rivoluzione scientifica” (The Theory of Evolution – Current validity of a Scientific Revolution) to all those who seek to understand the world around them and are interested in understanding their origin.


Author: Maria Beatrice Lupi. A naturalist and expert in training, planning for sustainable development, participatory methodologies, and European planning. Currently, she is involved in dissemination and education for sustainability.

Translation by Maria Antonietta Sessa