Yearly Archives: 2024

26 posts

The Strawberry Tree and its Nymph

«First flourished the golden age, which without avengers/or laws, spontaneously honoured loyalty and rectitude. […] Free, untouched by the rake, unfurled/by the plow, the earth produced everything by itself/and men, satisfied with the foods born spontaneously,/gathered strawberry trees, mountain strawberries, cornelian cherries, blackberries hidden among the thorns of the brambles/and […]

Reverse mounting in birds: when the female is on top

In birds, fertilization is an action of… tightrope walkers: the female, after a suitable period of courtship, decides to stop by crouching on the ground, lets the male climb on her back, waddling in precarious balance until in an instant, having achieved the necessary coordination, the two bring their cloacal […]