Darkness is the characteristic of the last month of the year. And with so much darkness it is difficult for the blooms to be many … In spite of everything, however, the oblique rays of our star are able to color the dark green branches of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), […]
Anna Lacci
Our second appointment is focused on two themes at first sight not close, but in my opinion strongly connected: the parallel development of the phylogenetic lines of populations and languages and the ecology of the family, or the recovery of the primary mission of families to educate their children. Cavalli-Sforza’s […]
. . . and one day Columbus armed three caravels and left for a long journey. . . That departure, in July 1492, it is appropriate to say, put into turmoil this and the other world. Animals and plants, which had lived for millions of years in total geographic isolation, came to be in direct […]
January, the coldest month. The day slowly begins to gain time on the night. Deciduous trees, now devoid of leaves, show their fractal structures; many evergreens during the last vegetation have stretched and directed their branches to the ground forming a dome that helps them to close to the cold […]
The trills and the first trills that begin to animate the foliage of the trees and the branches of the thickest shrubs, indicate without doubt that there is already someone who feels the approach of the end of winter! But February is, as many dicipolar dictates say, short and cursed: […]