Anna Lacci

70 posts

Birds of prey at school: no and this is why

Maria Montessori, in the fourth chapter of her most important work, “The method of scientific pedagogy”, which later became “The discovery of the child”, highlights the importance of nature in education and training. “In our time and in the civil environment of our society children live very far from nature […]

April flowers

The abundant rain that has characterized this spring has made the spring vegetation luxuriant, showing phenomenal blooms for abundance and exuberance. The impossibility of containing on a page all the species that bloom in April, will focus our attention on “more flowery” environments. We will follow the path of colors […]

Mediterranean weaving

It happens to those who love to wander along the shores of the Mediterranean, to always feel a bit ‘at home. It does not matter if you do not speak the same language, you can communicate easily when the gestures are the same, the same facial expressions with the same […]

The game as a communication model

In animals, the innate disposition to learning is expressed in curiosity and play. It is curiosity that leads to the exploration of the environment in which each animal moves. Curiosity, and therefore the drive to explore and experiment with the surrounding world, is obviously most evident in puppies. A kitten […]