This document is the contribution that EARTH GARDENERS brought to the “Network Day” of the REBEL NERWORK network, of which it is part, which was held in Rimini on September 8th 2018. The images are taken from the Power Point that accompanied the intervention. “T’insegneranno a non splendere. E tu […]
Anna Lacci
An old adage mentions: “we are what we eat”. We think there is nothing more true. The Mediterranean populations have for a long time brought written on where they lived and what they ate: the goiter so common in areas where it was not possible to find salt, or the […]
The substantial immobility of pre-industrial society overlaps with the immobility of the productive potential of the environment, driven by an evolution that only knows the slowness of biological times. The foods of vegetable origin known today are practically almost the same as those of the Neolithic. The archaeological findings of […]
… when in a “basso” slept families that even had ten children. White houses, painted with lime inside and out, every year, between April and May. The lime cleaned and, pass after pass, eliminated the edges and made the walls a little round.White alleys, which in spring became dazzling, interrupted […]
September. A torrid and dry summer ends, the hope is that autumn will return some water to the parched land. But the flowers, even when the plant is on its last legs, or rather because of this, open up to the sun. It is the plant’s response to adverse conditions: […]