The Sun from March 12 in Pisces, passes on April 19 in Aries where it will remain until mid-May. Oriented towards South in the evening, we see from the West to the East the Taurus, the Gemini, the Cancer and the Lion. the Virgin and the Libra. Virgo In the […]
Lucia Corbo
The Sun that in May was in Toro passes in Gemelli on June 21st, the day of the Summer Solstice; has reached the maximum height on the horizon at noon solar and from now begins to descend along the Eclittica, the hours of light begin to decrease. Solstice from the […]
The Sun in Gemini since June 21 passes in Cancer on the 21st of the month, South facing in the evening, we see after sunset along the course of the night, from West to East, as eclittic constellations, the Lion, the Virgin, the Libra, the Scorpio, Ophiuchus, the Sagittarius, the […]
The Sun is in Ophiuchus until the 18th of the month when it passes, in Sagittarius. December 21st is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day there is for our hemisphere, because the Sun is at the lowest point of the Ecliptic; inappropriately it is said that the shortest is December […]
The Polar Star between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia The Polar Star is the most famous star because it is almost perfectly on the extension of the Earth’s axis in the sky, the celestial North Pole (less than 1 °), around which everything seems to rotate (from east to west) in […]