“But when we reached the land that was nearby, there we saw near the sea a cavern that opened at the highest point, covered with laurels …” (Homer, Odyssey, IX, 181-183) Intensely scented and held in great esteem since ancient times, the Laurel (Laurus nobilis L. 1753) also called Lauro, […]
Maria Beatrice Lupi
We all own a smartphone, it has now become almost an extension of our body. Impossible not to have it: it avoids the queues in the offices, allows us to communicate with the institutions, helps us to see our distant loved ones, but … to some extent we have become […]
May cherries It is May, a basket full of cherries reigns on our table. That’s impossible to resist, in the blink of an eye we’ll eat a lot! If we do not get indigestion, there is no need to worry. As well as being delicious, cherries have numerous beneficial properties. […]
“You must first reach the Sirens near you,that all men enchant who come to them.Whoever approaches them, unwillingly, and listens to the voice of the Sirens, that never his wife and children any more they will see him return, they will never have any more delightbut the Sirens, enchant them […]
Once again the sea, the mother and matrix of our existences, fascinates and involves us, taking us by the hand, to let us know its mysterious creatures that ask us only for respect. Our monthly appointment this time is aimed above all at children and teenagers; for them, we have […]