To choose and maintain a direction of movement you need a compass. But what’s the point of a compass if I don’t know my position with respect to the destination I want to reach?When a racing pigeon intends to embark on its flight home, it must first understand where home […]
N. Emilio Baldaccini
SEPTEMBER, let’s go.It’s time to migrate.Now in the land of Abruzzo my shepherdsthey leave the pens and go towards the sea:they descend to the wild Adriaticthat is green like the pastures of the mountains.The Shepherds – Gabriele D’Annunzio Transhumance is true migration, a behavior of regular commuting between two places […]
“Upupa, ilare uccello calunniatodai poeti, che roti la tua crestasopra l’aereo stollo del pollaioe come un finto gallo giri al vento;nunzio primaverile, upupa, comeper te il tempo s’arresta,non muore più il Febbraio,come tutto di fuori si protendeal muover del tuo capo,aligero folletto, e tu lo ignori” Eugenio Montale – “Ossi […]
The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish made particularly famous by the studies that Niko Tinbergen carried out on it, so much so that it is considered a true icon of the behavioral sciences. Certainly, on the same level of Konrad Lorenz’s geese and Karl von Frisch’s bees, […]
The Wren (Troglodytes troglodytes) is a small, plump, finely striped brown bird, with a proud and impertinent appearance that does not reach 10 centimeters in length. The short tail is constantly held up, helping to give it a vague brawler-like air. If its song is decidedly strong and melodious, with […]