Evolutionism or creationism? The two themes have been at the center of public debate for years, but they are certainly irreconcilable and cannot be put on the same level: creationism is a philosophical and religious vision, while evolutionism is a scientific theory based on data and in continuous evolution. Supported […]
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“Upupa, ilare uccello calunniatodai poeti, che roti la tua crestasopra l’aereo stollo del pollaioe come un finto gallo giri al vento;nunzio primaverile, upupa, comeper te il tempo s’arresta,non muore più il Febbraio,come tutto di fuori si protendeal muover del tuo capo,aligero folletto, e tu lo ignori” Eugenio Montale – “Ossi […]
This month we would like to recommend Franco Tassi’s book, not only because we love the idea that the Lynx still lives in our country and we like to ensure that it is known, but above all, because we believe it is particularly important to underline how the verification of […]
“He popped up like a mushroom”; “You won’t tell me you didn’t see it yesterday, it’s not a mushroom!” This is what happens, a few days after the rain: in the woods, as if by magic, we see them popping up almost everywhere, with their multicolored hats, their thousand shapes. […]
The three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) is a small fish made particularly famous by the studies that Niko Tinbergen carried out on it, so much so that it is considered a true icon of the behavioral sciences. Certainly, on the same level of Konrad Lorenz’s geese and Karl von Frisch’s bees, […]