The dramatic events that are accompanying climate change have finally made us human beings understand how important it is to change course in terms of the exploitation and use of resources.
Too often we hear or read phrases such as “we do it for the Planet” or “if you love the Planet” referring to more or less virtuous or presumed behaviors.
Well, we would like to clarify that what we do to the Planet does not matter much to the Earth since all the disasters we make every day actually reverberate on our species. For example: do we burn forests and release CO2 by burning the oxygen produced by plants? We will increase the greenhouse effect which will worsen the climate and wreak havoc on our homes and we will have less oxygen to breathe. All this. to the planet, frankly, does not matter!
The Internet is full of “good advice”, do-it-yourself recipes that do not give clear explanations on the reasons for the choices that are supported. This page will put together some articles which, far from recommending this or that behavior, will give data and analysis regarding the different systems of consumption and use of resources. We are in fact convinced that in order to rise to the dignity of citizens and get out of the humiliating status of consumers, conscious choices must be made that take into account real facts and not “ecological gossip”.
Happy reading and good daily choices.