The mechanisms that regulate the alternation of species on our planet are often described as an eternal “struggle for survival”. Anyone who has read Darwin carefully knows that this is not the case.It is the word “struggle”, so dear to the warmongering mentality of our species, which has little to […]
We begin our walk among the blooms that colour the end of spring and the beginning of summer from urban centers, and then enter the fields and finally head towards the coast. The Large leaved lime (Tilia platyphyllos) that shade the city avenues, delightfully perfume the air with their hanging […]
I tell about it, among friends who are really convinced and aware that we need to get out of sustainability-blà, blà, blà and do something important and epochal not to save the planet but for the future of our children and our grandchildren; I tell then that for almost twenty […]
Thousands of years ago the Phoenicians called it “Inosin”, for the Greeks it was “Hierakon Nesos”, while in Roman times it was known as “Accipitrum Insula”; during the centuries the original meaning of its name has not changed: “Falcons’ Island”, underlining its main feature that fascinated the sailors who approached […]
For the good of the Planet, Let’s help the Planet, Let’s make a small gesture in favor of the Planet are phrases that we are now used to hearing more and more often, even when they refer to issues or actions that substantially worsen the life of the biosphere. Yes, […]