The abundant rain that has characterized this spring has made the spring vegetation luxuriant, showing phenomenal blooms for abundance and exuberance. The impossibility of containing on a page all the species that bloom in April, will focus our attention on “more flowery” environments. We will follow the path of colors […]
The summer triangle still in the autumn sky The Sun is in Virgo since September 16th and remains there for the whole month to spend October 31st in Libra, with all due respect for the astrologers who remained at the positions of the Sun of 2000 years ago, a century […]
In November the Sun crosses the whole Libra constellation moving eastwards; on the 23rd of the month he enters the Scorpio, from which he leaves the 29th to settle in Ophiuchus, the 13th constellation of the Ecliptic.In fact, there are 13 Constellations that the Sun crosses in the space of […]
Around January 3rd, the Earth is in Perieli, that is at the point closest to the Sun of the Earth’s orbit, which, evidently, does not coincide with that of the Winter Solstice; during these days there is the maximum of the meteoric swarm of the Quadrantids that take their name […]
The Sun until mid-February is in Capricorn and then go to the Aquarium. The days continue to grow and in the night sky, towards the south, we can still enjoy Orione and the summer constellations. At the Solstice on June 21st, the Sun is located halfway between Toro and Gemelli, […]