It happens to those who love to wander along the shores of the Mediterranean, to always feel a bit ‘at home. It does not matter if you do not speak the same language, you can communicate easily when the gestures are the same, the same facial expressions with the same […]
In animals, the innate disposition to learning is expressed in curiosity and play. It is curiosity that leads to the exploration of the environment in which each animal moves. Curiosity, and therefore the drive to explore and experiment with the surrounding world, is obviously most evident in puppies. A kitten […]
The visual and behavioral characteristics of the Common kingfisher have certainly not gone unnoticed and so, since ever, popular imagination has given these birds virtues and magical powers that certainly did not help their conservation, making them the object of hunting and easy hunting techniques: a viscous substance placed near […]
This document is the contribution that EARTH GARDENERS brought to the “Network Day” of the REBEL NERWORK network, of which it is part, which was held in Rimini on September 8th 2018. The images are taken from the Power Point that accompanied the intervention. “T’insegneranno a non splendere. E tu […]
DESCRIPTIONA garden in which all the habitats of the Mediterranean world can be found, a minute corner of the Planet where the same things happen in large lakes, in the intricate forests, in the large prairies, in the cultivated fields; because the logic that moves the actors of all these […]