… when in a “basso” slept families that even had ten children. White houses, painted with lime inside and out, every year, between April and May. The lime cleaned and, pass after pass, eliminated the edges and made the walls a little round.White alleys, which in spring became dazzling, interrupted […]
To be sown in abundance “after the Ides of May until the summer solstice”, so Columella (1st century AD) speaks several times of Basil in his “De Re Rustica”. Also Apicius in 230 d.c. in “De Re Coquinaria” embellishes his recipes with Basil, while Pliny is convinced that the seeds […]
The Polar Star between Ursa Major and Cassiopeia The Polar Star is the most famous star because it is almost perfectly on the extension of the Earth’s axis in the sky, the celestial North Pole (less than 1 °), around which everything seems to rotate (from east to west) in […]
September. A torrid and dry summer ends, the hope is that autumn will return some water to the parched land. But the flowers, even when the plant is on its last legs, or rather because of this, open up to the sun. It is the plant’s response to adverse conditions: […]
Reworking with additions to the text of P.R. Ehrlich Global change and its influence on biodiversity (R.Casagrandi & P. Melia (Eds) Proceedings of the XIII National Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology, Como, 8-10 September 2003. SItE Acts 27: 35-45). The article begins with a reference to the impressive […]